security camera, cloud security, cloud camera : The Impact of Global Conflicts on Local Crime Prevention Measures

The Impact of Global Conflicts on Local Crime Prevention Measures


Societal responses to macro-level global conflicts reflect their adverse and disproportionate impact on local crime prevention measures. Global conflict and the resulting protests during the last year have shaped new risks to local infrastructure. To mitigate these risks, infrastructure owners and operators should consider specific crime prevention measures, including crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) requirements.

Security professionals may already be familiar with CPTED principles, including:

Natural surveillance. Increase visibility to deter criminal behavior by designing spaces so people can easily observe their surroundings.

Natural access control. Guide people’s movements through design to limit access to areas where they should not go. Use physical barriers to control entry points.

Territorial reinforcement. Define and establish a sense of ownership over spaces to encourage users to protect and care for them.

Maintenance. Ensure that properties are well-maintained to convey that an area is cared for, which can deter potential offenders.

Activity support. Promote legitimate activities and use of spaces to increase the presence of people and reduce opportunities for crime.


The Impact of Global Conflicts on Local Crime Prevention Measures

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